Tuesday, 2 December 2014

This week I have been thankful for....

Okay, this is long overdue (again!) but I have been reminded this week of a promise I failed to keep about a month ago now to do another one of these, so here we go, my reasons to be thankful at the moment :).

1.  I have been studying again since early October and am pleased to report that the first assignments for both courses have been received back and passed :).  Course A is awaiting marks for assignment 2, and Course B has assignment 2 due later this month, but so far so good, the balance between study, work and play seems to be going okay, and while I may stress a little around May time doing the end of module assessments, I think this year is going to be okay.

2.  On Saturday I got to go and have a lovely meal at my dear Godparents house, which we had been trying to arrange and do for many months!  A lovely spread was put on and everyone was full at the end, finishing with an amazing lemon cheesecake.  So as well as being the voice of reason and sanity in my sometime chaotic life, my godmother is also an amazing cooks-nearly-everything-from-scratch chef :) - we will have to plan and not leave it so long next time, and I need some cooking lessons!

3.  The life of being self-employed and locuming has generally been going pretty well, I have been getting enough work, luckily I am flexible and apart from when I had left an assignment to the last day last week (oops) I can drop things and work at pretty short notice, which I'm sure my locum booker is appreciative of!  I am starting to register with a few agencies and get some work assigned from other companies, not just Day Lewis, and I have been enjoying re-visiting branches where I have worked before and catching up with staff in Day Lewis land (you know who you are :) ).

4.  Sunday morning was actually dry which has been a rarity lately, so I was able to walk to church, which was good, as I wanted the fresh air and the exercise!

5.  Sometime in mid-November I managed to enjoy a lovely toffee which was on the table at a training day I had booked myself on.  Shortly after enjoying said toffee, I had an "oh s**t" moment, when I realised something wasn't quite right with my bottom teeth.  Further investigation and exploration established that the naughty toffee had been the nail in the coffin for my poor retaining wire which has been behind my teeth since the braces came off when I was 16.  So firstly I am very thankful to a friend who comes to my monthly meals and her daughter for supplying me with some dental wax to protect the sharp metal from shredding the inside of my mouth, and secondly I am very happy that the wire got re-bonded this week (I just won't say how much I had to pay the thieving dentist - orthodontics at the general it is next time, I don't care Mr Orthodontist if "my dentist could have done that" when they charge me ridiculous amounts to do it!).

6.  I am thankful for Black Friday.  I am thankful that there were T.V. reports showing the chaos at many stores, and how people were behaving.  I am thankful that 25 people "liked" my status on Facebook when I referred to what I am about to explain.

Now I know not everyone is Christian.  I know Christmas means different things to different people.  I know some people like a bit of shopping, and a bargain, and some will always have more money than others to go out and hit the shops, and that's fine.  What I do not like is when it gets so bad that people push and shove other people, fight over goods, and the police have to be called to keep the peace.  When commercialism brings out the worst in human behaviour.

I am thankful that my faith has taught me, and I try to constantly remind myself, that the riches of this world and merely transient.  That you can't take them with you.  That when you have one thing, there's always the next thing, the next thing and the next thing.  You can't fill emptiness with "things".   And I am thankful in a way for how bad Black Friday got here this year, in that if just a few people see the news and think "how stupid is this", and it makes them re-evaluate and take pause, then that is good.

7.  Part of locuming at this time of year, especially when I am visiting branches where I have previously worked and know the staff, is that there are several Christmas meals being planned.  I am, I'm afraid, now booked into a grand total of four altogether!  And I can't wait :).  I think I've managed not to order the same thing to eat twice, and the organisers have it all written down so I know what I've asked for (the old memory's not that reliable in my old(er) age ;) ).

8.  I had a lovely day out in Winchester today with my Mum.  We met up with some relatives on her side of the family, wandered around Christmas market by the Cathedral (where there was a nativity scene and "what are you waiting for" stall handing out packs with Alpha course leaflets and Luke's Gospel - go Churches Together in Winchester!) and we had a nice lunch and a bit of shopping - fab gentle day out!

9.  The Christmas shopping is now nearly done, which has been long in ordering, planning, looking and thinking so it feels good to now be ready to wrap it all and distribute everything to the intended recipients!

10.  Being that it is now December, the Christmas tree is going up soon, hopefully this weekend, and I have two lovely school friends who have offered, in what is becoming an annual tradition, to help!  Hopefully photo of nice decorated pretty tree with wrapped presents underneath to come in the next edition!

Thank you for reading, please comment, and feel free to be thankful for whatever is good in your life - it is a brilliant task to do!

Monday, 25 August 2014

Ten Things of Thankful - resurrected

Once upon a time, several months ago now, I would write on this blog quite a bit.  There was a blog-hop once a week I would do, the Ten Things of Thankful.  Then some stuff happened and for various reasons I can't link up with the blog-hop any more.  My lovely dispenser said to me on Saturday how much she used to like reading them though, and since I stopped doing them she's not the only one, I've had other people say the same too.  So I thought, why not, I think it's time to get back blogging and especially do this exercise of thankfulness, even if I can't link up.  So time for some good things in the world since last I was here.

1.  I have been lucky enough to find a lovely new church since Easter and am starting to get to know people there which is lovely, and hopefully after the summer holidays I will be able to settle into a cell group.  Despite leaving my old church I am lucky enough to have good friendships I am keeping from my time there, and only the other week I received a card from the vicar there who has been so supportive and helpful.

2.  I have decided that I am going to continue and complete my OU degree in languages which I started a while ago now, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to do that, and that hopefully when I've finished it I may be able to find a new career path.

3.  I'm thankful that I'm able to work as a locum pharmacist to pay the bills while I study, and that I've found an accountant and have other locums I know on hand to help and advise.  I've managed to get 4 days' work booked for my first week so far, so it's looking good!

4.  I've found and been seeing a lovely counsellor, and she's been brilliant and really helpful at listening to me and helping me sort myself out!

5.  I am thankful for reading.  I have started trying to read more regularly lately, especially before going to sleep, and it is brilliant escapism and great to get lost in another world (in the series I'm reading at the moment, the world of vampires).

6.  Somehow this past week I was out to dinner four nights in a row!  Now this is very unusual for me, I'm not normally quite such a social butterfly, but while I have appreciated having the last two days off with the bank holiday to rest, it was lovely to get out when I had the chance, once with my Mensa group, once with my Dad and Stepmum, once with my work colleagues to celebrate the wedding of the CEO's son, and finally to the house of my Mum's friend.

7.  Last weekend I got to go to London on the Saturday to meet up with my Turner Syndrome sisters and in typical butterfly fashion we went to see the butterfly exhibition at the Natural History Museum.  There were so many beautiful butterflies which I'd never seen before, and I got lots of lovely photos.  Luckily I found a good deal on the train that South West Trains were doing for the summer too :).

8.  I got a day's overtime last week, which is all good and adds up seeing as I'm going to be self-employed soon!

9.  Today is our late summer bank holiday in the U.K. and I am happy to say I have spent yesterday and today doing pretty much nothing productive - make the most of resting while you can!

10.  Okay today has pretty much rained and rained and rained, in typical British bank holiday style, but we have been lucky and actually had a summer with pretty decent weather from June til about now, so I'm glad we've had sunshine and I've been able to get out into the garden when time's allowed.

So there we have some little rays of light, and I hope dear readers to carry on bringing you this on a weekly basis now I've started again, more next weekend.