1. I had a brilliant BBQ at my Dad's last night. About time, well we've waited for summer long enough! And the last few times I've been due to go round there and it's been a nice day there's been various reasons as to why a BBQ could not happen. But now I'VE HAD MY BBQ! And very nice it was too.
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My Dad's cat didn't manage to eat any, but it wasn't for want of trying! |
2. THE TOOTH IS GONE! Finally, after causing problems on and off for the last few months, various painkillers, antibiotics and visits to OOH dentists, my regular dentist has taken the thing away! And my haven't I been sleeping better! I don't think I had appreciated quite how much it had been disturbing me. If anyone cares, it was the lower left number 7 (in front of the wisdom tooth) which was causing the problems, as it was being bullied by the wisdom tooth behind which was trying to erupt at 45 degrees (see x-ray below).
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I had to zoom quite a bit, but on the far right is the wonky wisdom tooth - the one to its left is the one that came out. |
For those of a more squeamish disposition you may want to skip to number 3 now, for those interested in how a tooth comes out, read on!
I arrived in the dentist's room and they were watching Andy Murray's triumphant victory from Sunday on catch up (another thing I am thankful for by the way) but unfortunately the last point was reached before I was even numb, and the TV was not on the ceiling, so not much distraction there! Four local anaesthetic injections later the dentist and I were both satisfied that the whole left side of my face was suitably numb and we began. Little plastic stick, really not doing the job to dislodge (come on, this is a relatively healthy tooth here!). Metal forceps managed to loosen tooth pretty well, but it still wasn't giving up. So out came the drill to split the tooth so it could come out in two bits (with almighty pops I tell you) and one root was left, so cue a good five minutes of trying to get that out! Luckily the dental nurse was petty good at understanding people who are numb and chewing on gauze, and between her and the dentist my questions were answered afterwards.
Now to wait for a referral to the hospital to x-ray and have the wisdom tooth out the other side, oh joy! (X-ray was attempted but being so far back in the mouth, couldn't really bite down in the way they wanted without it moving before the button was pressed - dentist came back and said 'oh I made you cry' - my reply 'yes, the inside of my mouth is soft, and that film is sharp!').
3. In my late teens in the late 1990s there was a girl group. They were called the Sugababes. After album 1, Siobhan left and Heidi came in. Then some years after that Mutya had a baby and left. Then a year or two after that Keisha left - and no original members were left. And they still insisted on keeping the 'Sugababes' brand???? Not the same any more people!
Fast forward to 2013....
In September the original line-up are releasing this, their debut single, and I AM BEYOND EXCITED! As soon as the album is available to pre-order on Amazon (other music retailers are available) I will be doing so!
4. I have been at my new branch two weeks now, and I am settling in well and liking it. I even had lovely feedback (which is always really nice) from the branch manager I am working with that I was doing well and we're all working well as a team, so lots of warm fuzziness there :).
5. I have a dining table. Every few months or so I have my church group round for tea and some discussion based on a recent sermon. My little round table gets VERY crowded in such situations, as it's only meant for 4 really, and there can be up to 10 of us and some of us end up round the coffee table. Now, when I moved (which is nearly seven years ago!) the table did have to come apart to get out of the flat. What I didn't re-discover or remember til recently is that the round table has a very special secret - if you slide the two halves of the circle apart there is another leaf of the table underneath to extend it which makes it seat 6 - didn't I feel stupid (although my mother could have mentioned it, you'd think she would have known it being her mother's table!). Anyway, it was lovely Thursday to get all 7 people present round the table altogether eating and talking together, so long may that continue!
6. In Portswood where my new branch is, there is a KFC almost right next door. That might be good enough for most people you'd think, but oh no, I have resisted there so far and ended up for my 'naughty Friday' (a tradition whereby I don't take a packed lunch one day a week and see what takes my fancy) at Roosters Piri-Piri chicken as recommended by my staff. Think Nando's but cheaper and in a more fast-food place as opposed to a restaurant. I had Piri-piri chicken breast fillet in the lemon and herb dressing (I'm a wimp when it comes to spices) and IT WAS AWESOME! I can feel a return visit coming on already ;).
7. I twinned my toilet. I expect the people in Africa (Uganda) where my latrine will get built might be even more thankful for this than me, but I am thankful that soon I will get a little certificate to display in my toilet and spread the news about this amazing scheme which endeavours to ensure EVERYONE has suitable facilities to stop the spread of disease etc. I mean, I know our grandparents had outside loos maybe, but who in the west now can say they don't have a toilet? It's a basic thing people!
8. England has been having a heatwave, yay!! But this leads me to be thankful for:
the mighty air conditioning!
Seriously, if the temperature in my shop had been the same as it has been outside in the last week, I don't think I would have been able to work, at least not without some major impact on my concentration, and looking and feeling like a sportsperson after a marathon for example!
9. I am very thankful for my lovely birthday day out, and all the lovely messages, cards and gifts I received. I had such a lovely time, the sun shone, we got there and back okay, we didn't lose anyone and Considerer's niece and nephew even composed me a little song and made her sing it (it was so sweet!).
10. I am thankful for weed killer, and that I used it and it did the job! A couple of months ago, my Dad, his wife and I spent a painstaking 4 hours removing the gravel from my front garden, taking the old lining up, levelling the ground and getting rid of roots, putting new lining down and replacing all the stones. Alas little weeds STILL started showing! I am hoping as I have got them now, nice and early on before they take root too much, I can win the battle!
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Dad in the middle of the painstaking process of putting the new lining down! |
So that's this week's thankfulness from the Emmaverse, more news soon!
Never rely on children ha ha, they will leave you in the lurch! Re: work, yes thanks, it's always a gamble moving branches but think this one's paying off ;). Don't worry about BBQ envy, I just need to make my patio table and get a BBQ, or even disposables, and everyone can come round, as this is meant to be staying into August (hopefully Sainsbury's Lordshill's chillers and freezers won't pack in again as they did yesterday, and I can get some food!).
ReplyDeleteYep, original line-up back as Mutya/Keisha/Siobhan and the single is out 1st September, I'm keeping a beady eye out for the album!
ReplyDeleteThe dentist would have to put me out to pull my tooth, if that's the usual method for getting one out! My daughter has had 17 baby teeth pulled by the oral surgeon (general anesthesia and not all at one time) because her mouth is small and crowded and there was no room for her permanent teeth.
ReplyDeleteFill a spray bottle with white vinegar and a squeeze of dishwashing liquid (Dawn, Palmolive - don't know what brands you have there) and squirt weeds. Kills them quickly and safer than chemical weed killer.
My mouth is crowded and I had some out at 7 and 10 years old before orthodontic treatment, and that was under a general. If they do the wisdom tooth the other side at the hospital I will be BEGGING for a general, or at least some diazepam so I don't remember it!
DeleteThannks for the tip on the natural weedkiller, will give that a try, don't really like putting the chemicals down with the cat about.
glad to hear of the non-presence of your tooth (I remember the x-ray from last week, I think it was).
ReplyDeleteRemind me sometime to tell the story of my time travel incident that happened when I was 14 and had to be put under anesthesia at the Dentists...very strange!*
Had a good conversation with Considerer today (and Denise)... if you ever would have an interest in joining us, we would welcome the addition mind. We are still working on our vid chat skills, but it's fun and entertaining.
see you next time
*the experience, not the idea that it occurs to me to make it a part of my Comment, not to mention my asking you to remind to tell you about it at a later, but unspecified date.
Thanks Clark, definitely feels better without the tooth, and the x-ray last week was off google images, this week is not as clear but it is my very own x-ray my dentist let me photograph - cool!
DeleteWill remind you to fill me in on your dentist story sometime!
I have been reading your doctrine and I would appear to be a Roger with a secondary Clark, not much Scotting going on here.
Well, that tooth extraction sounds about as pleasant as a 2x4 to the head. It must have really been bothering you. Glad you are feeling better and getting some sleep.
ReplyDeleteIt is hilarious that you didn't remember your table had an extension. What made you finally think of it?
Glad your job is turning out to be a good one.
And here on our farm, we simply embrace the weeds. Some are actually pretty. :)
All I can say is thanks for local anaesthetic injections, didn't feel much apart from pushing and pulling!
DeleteI had the table cloth off once, and the blanket I normally have on for protection also off as I risked using the table just bare wood, and I just said to my Mum 'oh I wish it seated more' and she was like 'you do know it extends don't you?'.
I have some nice weeds that have pink flowers which come up in the borders, but unfortunately they have to go as they tend to take over a bit!
I love a/c:) I did love KFC, but I got sick off of it awhile back, and other than for my bday party at my friends (where she brought dinner), I haven't had it since.
ReplyDeleteNormally our climate is okay without a/c but boy am I glad of it at the moment! Too much of a good thing can get too much, I think I've got enough variety along this high street to stop me getting bored ;)
DeleteOooh, I am such a huge barbecue fan, too!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a lovely birthday!
We have a heatwave here, too, but it is still enjoyable because the humidity is not that bad. I love it!
Yep, barbecues are the best! I did have a lovely birthday thanks. I want some of your heat, it's too sticky here, us British are never happy with the weather!