Saturday, 31 August 2013

Ten things of thankful #9

Here we are for another round of goodness from the week fortnight, as I was too busy last weekend to get my act in gear (sorry :(), so here are 10 things I am happy about from the past 7 14 days.

1. I saw my lovely podiatrist, as I do once or twice a year, and she made my feet lovely!  They just feel so much better afterwards, and look lovely too.  I was going to take a photo but haven't got round to painting the nails to make them look extra pretty yet!  And not only does my podiatrist do my feet, you're not bored while you're sitting there, as she talks as much as me and we always have a good chat!

2.  My sister and her boyfriend have many  boxsets.  And one Paul owns is ALL the X-Files!  YES!  Recently I have been visiting my sister at her new flat, and despite the fact that the X-Files scares the bejeezus out of her, she has watched some episodes with me - I'm hoping that I can persuade her to let herself be scared some more - David Duchovney is FINE and I need some more!!

3.  I know in the U.S. y'all have a Labor Day this weekend, but OUR bank holiday was last Monday, and until about the middle of the week prior I'd forgotten all about it, so I had a lovely extra day off that I'd forgotten all about!  It was spent shopping, going out for lunch and generally relaxing -  happy days!

4.  After 4 years of attending my lovely church, and a year of thinking about getting it organised, I have finally e-mailed and chatted to my vicar and have arranged to renew my baptism vows.  I really wanted to do this as when my parents took my for my christening as an infant they were making the decision for me and I have no memory of it!  So this time I can do it for myself.  I am assured by a very reliable friend who has been through the process that I will be supported by two people (it's full immersion) and there is no risk of drowning!

5.  Considerer went on holiday, and while she was away I had charge of one fish tank with many fish, and one narky spider.  And I think I did okay!  They were all alive on her return - phew!  I managed to change water, feed the fish, test the water and everything!  I also made sure moody spider girl did not dehydrate.  Unfortunately the plants on the balcony DID dehydrate a little, I only remembered about them at the end of the week, but they're fine as well, as she tells me she deliberately chose hardy ones which can survive neglect as she is as bad as me when it comes to these things!

6.  As part of the job as a community pharmacist in England at the moment, one has to undertake Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) with patients, and the target for the year (because that's what you can claim) is 400.  They basically involve sitting down with patients, going through their medicines with them to see if they have any problems, check they know what they're doing, and answering any questions or concerns they have.  More and more of the job is becoming service-based like this now, but the dispensing people's tablets has still got to be done, and it can get a bit stressful trying to do everything at once!  But lately my team has helped me really pull the figures in - there was a day we got 6, and we are now in a position where we just need 50 (2 or 3 day) to get to our 200 by the end of September - halfway through the financial year.  It's taken a bit of pressure off and seems manageable!

7.  It was my Mum's birthday, and we went for a lovely meal at an amazing restaurant in New Milton which I thoroughly enjoyed, and she also treated me to lunch the following day as well - celebrations all around!  We got home safely (in the end - after a little detour through the New Forest - more about that in a later post!).

8.    In the last fortnight I have played netball not just once, but twice!  It was very enjoyable and despite it being on Friday nights and being very tired, I had a brilliant time and I KNOW it was good for me (and Considerer was at the second one, and I got to watch her fall over not just once, but three times he he).

9.  I had a lovely evening with my friend Debbie the other day, I went round to hers and we got a nice Indian takeaway in and watched a film and I got to make a fuss of her three cats (don't tell Millie I cheated on her) - lovely evening.

10.  I am thankful that I have a fully serviced and functioning boiler and heating system, and running hot water again - finally!  The boiler started playing up, and it took no less than three visits (thanks to Mother and Stepmother for being in for them!) to finally get the required parts and fix it, but it is now sorted and has been given the ok for another year - phew!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Twisted mix tape - you suck/I suck

And it's another Tuesday, so it's another Twisted Mixtape.  This week the theme is I suck (I've messed up and I'm sorry) or you suck (you're a t**t).  Started off slow but then the old mind got rolling with this one, and I ended up with 6 instead of 5 (sorry :( ).  Here they are with a little explanation.

1.  Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect
LOVE Jessie J.  Here she is, full of her normal emotion, apologising to a friend for messing up by being a bit of a blabber mouth and passing on some secret or other she really shouldn't have - I think she's learnt her lesson and is gonna try not to do it again.

2.  Cee-Lo Green - Forget you
And here we have Cee-Lo in a bit of a mood as his girl has run off with another bloke in the neighbourhood, and he seems to think it's just because he was a bit poor - let's face it, that is a bit shallow!

3.  Justin Timberlake - Cry me a river
Ooh er, here we have JT getting a bit personal and letting his emotions out after his split with Britney - do we think she might have cheated on him????  Seriously, who would do that?  If I had him, I don't think I'd be going anywhere!

4.  Pink - Don't let me get me
Believe me, there are those days, I'm sure everyone's had them, when everything is just a bit pants, you can't do anything right, and you'd rather just a) not be here or b) crawl up in a hole and everything else can go the f**k away.  Pink sums it up perfectly, as always - this isn't about being sorry to a particular person, but just being sorry you exist and that you're generally a bit human (aren't we all?).

5.  Christina Aguilera - Fighter
And this is Christina in fine vocal form telling an ex that while you may have abused me, tried to manipulate, down tread and generally treat me in a pretty damn awful manner, that actually cheers, you've done me a favour, cos now I'm stronger and no one is going to do that to me again - EVER!

6.  Alanis Morisette - You oughta know

THE ULTIMATE - here's why I had to do six, because I just couldn't NOT have this one in there!  This song, in fact the whole classic album that is Jagged Little Pill, is so angsty, so bitter, so awesome - sums up that hatred pretty well!  Best played at full volume and sung along to - cures much hurt I would think!

That's all folks!  See you next week for a new mixtape.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Twisted mix tape - ooooh errrr!

So this week's twisted mix tape is about one night stands or no strings attached relationships - hence my title!

1.  Heart - All I wanna do is make love to you.

I loved this song when I was a child and it first came out.  I never understood til a few years ago what the song was actually about - the twist at the end!  As a fellow infertile (well, obviously her husband was) I can appreciate her feelings, but still not sure that makes what she did right!


2.  Abba - Gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight)

Come on, I think we all know what she wanted to do with the man (after midnight!).  I love Abba, and this is classic Abba.

3.  Bryan Adams - Run to you

Love a bit of rock and guitar, and here we have Bryan Adams explaining that while his Mrs is, you know, alright, he's got a bit of passion for this bit on the side he likes to go off to when he can!

4.  Mis-teeq - One night stand

Now obviously with a title like this, it had to make this list!  Now while I feel that anyone over the other side of the pond probably won't have heard of them, these girls were fab in the early-mid noughties, my favourite of theirs being Scandalous, but for this list, it had to be this song about girls going out 'on the pull' together.

5.  Enrique Iglesias - Tonight (I'm lovin' you).
Okay, the album version isn't quite as polite, he definitely wants to do something else with you, but I thought I'd better put the clean version here.  Basically he just sees you across the room and he's going to have you, alright?

So, there we go, another twisted mix tape Tuesday, already looking forward to compiling my list of 5 for next week!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

10 things of thankful #8

Well, this week I have been on holiday in the north of England.  Unfortunately it hasn't turned out quite the way we planned, with no less than four trips to a hospital 40 minutes away, as my Mum has cellulitis and needed I.V. antibiotics, but I've STILL found 10 things to be thankful for!

1.  We have had a lovely holiday let to stay in, with a massive kitchen, a bedroom each, right in the middle of little old Rothbury and it's had everything we could need.  We have been most comfortable!  And it has a roll top bath - a thing I would have in my dream house!

2.  The house has internet, which has let me keep in touch, and stopped be getting bored in the evenings and when waiting around for the faffer mother.

3.  The 350 mile trip up here, which I undertook with trepidation in one go last Saturday, went without a hitch - we didn't really hit much traffic, no accidents, made it here safely - phew!  I'm still glad we're stopping overnight halfway tonight though!

4.  Last Sunday we went to a lovely little pub and had an amazing carvery, and not only was the food amazing, the view out through the patio doors was pretty awesome too:

5.  Being far more rural than I'm used to here, I went on one of my little explores, albeit without Considerer :(.  And again, the scenery didn't disappoint, and I didn't get lost, or rained on!

6.  Okay, it's been a pain with all the hospital visits, but I'm glad of all the doctors, nurses and drugs she has had to sort her out, and I hope her leg is now on the mend.

7.  I am thankful that after the second visit to the hospital we were able to do my Mum's cousins a favour and get her Aunt home from the hospital.  She's in her 80s and hadn't been very well on their holiday in Malta.  She was kept in overnight on her return and seeing as we were going over to the hospital anyway, we made arrangements to pick her up.  It was lovely to see her again as we don't get up here much, and it was good to be able to help get her home.

8.  Yesterday morning I went to the most amazing bookshop ever, and it was fab, and I want to go again, and I still can't believe I was so restrained that I only bought three books!

9.  I actually wrote a poem this week, which once I started, just sort of flowed (check out my other blog ).  I'm really getting this writing bug now!

10.  I got to visit Holy Island which I have wanted to for a while, and am so glad I managed to get there Tuesday before the daily hospital treks started.  There is something special about the place, the scenery is lovely, it is peaceful and other-worldy, and I need to go back and see more.

So we'll see what thankful things this coming week brings, hopefully it will be a bit less chaotic, even if I will be back at work!

Friday, 16 August 2013

Books glorious books!

Today I have been to heaven.  Well not quite, but pretty close.  I took myself off to Alnwick, and there I went to the glorious, amazing Barter Books - one of the largest, if not THE largest, second hand bookshops in the country!

Oh -  the  -  joy!!!!

It is amazing.  There are really old book shelves in a really old building which used to be a railway station.  There are many many books, more than you can imagine, some really old which you won't find anywhere else.

There's a children's area, and a model railway going round on a track overhead.  There are many lovely seats so you can just grab a book and sit and read.  Everything is really well signed so you can find the appropriate section.  It's like a library, but it's better - you don't have to be silent!  There was music softly playing.

Everyone there is united by one purpose - they may have an idea of what they want, or not, some may want a book on a non-fiction topic special to them, others may be there looking for their favourite fiction author - but all are there FOR THE LOVE OF BOOKS!

There are quotes on overhead signs and on the walls, big things to think about, to inspire creative deep contemplation.

It was lovely just to browse and see what you discover.  There's even a little cafe if you need a break from all the book browsing.  I was very restrained today and managed to leave having bought only three books, but I'm sure there are more I could have purchased (I think I need to do an inventory of what I actually have!).

1.  White Teeth - Zadie Smith
When it came out a few years ago, it seemed that everyone was reading it, and now, finding it cheap in a secondhand bookshop, I'm going to see what it's all about.

2.  Lost in Translation
This is going to be hilarious, so much so that I'm going to spread it around, with Considerer being the first borrower - I think it will appeal to her.  It's basically signs written in English in countries where the native language is not English, causing hilarity with the poor command of the nuances of the language (no one please come after me with all the mistakes I've made in German - I'm sure a book could be written about that!).

3.  Ich bin ein Pariser
Yes, I found the language section.  I honed in on the German shelves.  I found a book that looked fairly modern.  On reading the back, I understood maybe 80% and thought hey, this is about my level - so here we go, another book to practise my German with - I'll let you know how I get on!

Oh, and beneath the books, see that, that's a bookmark - it's like they KNOW you're going to want to start reading straight away!

So there we go, my delightful visit to one of the best bookshops ever.  Anyone else a reader?  Anyone want to visit?

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Two's harmony

So this week, for the first time, I am joining in with the Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday.  This week - duets!

 1. Marc Almond (Soft Cell) and Gene Pitney (24 hours from Tulsa, older genius, you know the one) - on paper it's like - huh???  Really???  But something about this just works!  And it's amazing, and makes your heart lift - awesome!

2.  Well wasn't this just FABULOUS (nothing to do with Neil Tennant at all, he he ;) ).  Seriously though, Pet Shop Boys and Dusty Springfield, both legendary in their own right - but together - WOW!

3.  So what the hell are you waiting for?  So yells me, everytime - I like Linkin Park, my sister got me into them, In the End is a favourite, and JZ together with them - very cool!

4.  Love Motown, love soul - and anyone seen Stepmom?  Made you cry?  I thought so!

5.  This song is beautiful, not been in the situation but when you're clinging on to a relationship that's dying, I imagine this sums it up pretty well.  It's also one of the songs on a singing game I have for my Wii, but I always have to sing his part as I don't know her harmonies!

So there we have it, my five favourite duets I would put on a mix tape.  Any advances?

Monday, 12 August 2013

Exploring in a strange land

'So how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?   By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, there we wept, when we remembered Zion.'

So sang Boney M.  And today, on the second full day of my holiday, I went exploring in a foreign land (okay, I'm still in England, but it's only the second time I've been up here as an adult, and the first time I was brave enough to go for a walk to see where I ended up, and I had no Considerer to come with me!).

Why aye man, they keep sheep in their gardens here like!

I thought I should get a little fresh air, it's been a nice sunny day (despite a few showers) and Rothbury, Northumberland is a lovely little town, so I thought I'd go out and see what I could see.  I had seen a sign for a riverside path whilst driving out of the town, so after walking along the said road and still not finding it, I took a little path by some stone cottages on the way back in and there it was - yippe, here we go, I thought - can't get lost here, I'll just turn round and come back the way I came!

An hour later I'd certainly had my exercise for the day.  GPS didn't kick in for a while, but Runtastic definitely told me I'd done at least 4.3km in about an hour.  Later in the week, if the weather permits and she's up for it, I might even convince Mother to come along for a little walk (it's fairly flat, and there are benches and seats along the way to have a little sit down).

It was fairly quiet, and it was lovely to just listen to the river babbling by, watch the butterflies and birds, and just have some peace.  At one point, in true explorer fashion, I took the 'wild' path off the beaten track down to the river (although it was obviously a REAL path and had been trodden) and marvelled at the nice scenery, and thought how I'd better not get too close and end up in a river, again!

Alas, I got to a gate which seemed to be chained, the other side of which was only a boring tarmacked road, so back I turned and retraced my steps.  Once back in the town I took a little detour through a lovely little church yard which my Mum thought her Uncle may be buried in, but all I could see were very old gravestones, no newer ones, so that will require some further investigating!  This is the church which has the bells marking every quarter hour, 24/7, which is lovely, and once I'm asleep doesn't wake me up, but I am really noticing when trying to nod off to sleep!

It plays Brownie Bells don't you know: 1/4: oh Lord our God, 1/2:thy children call, 3/4 Grant us thy Peace, on the hour: and bless us all - chime, chime chime
 Tomorrow I'm hoping to venture into Newcastle, so that will be some urban exploring - more news of that then!


Saturday, 10 August 2013

10 things of thankful - dear Grandad

Dear Grandad,
I probably should have told you all of this while you were alive, but now, as it would have been your 84th birthday this week, I'm going to honor you in my blog and tell everyone 10 things I am so thankful about that we shared, even though you died too young at 66 when I was just 14.

1.  You taught me how to make things.  Mainly kites.  Thanks to you, a few carrier bags and some garden canes become a thing which flies in the air, creating much entertainment.  And that skill from your generation, of entertaining oneself and making everyday things into amazing things is priceless, and we need more of that!

2.  Once we made kites, obviously they needed testing.  And luckily, near your house, there were some open spaces in order to do this.  Once when flying my sister managed to let go of the amazing Casper-kite you had made her, and like a hero off you went and climbed a tree to rescue it, and she was very pleased to get it back.

3.  You were very musical.  Not only did you play the harmonica, and gave a few to me, which I still have (I can't play it as well as you though), you also had a tin whistle, and could even make a duck whistle out of a reed, and even blow grass.  I seem to also recall you enjoying a nice bit of guitar playing, and having a violin or two, which my sister did take up for a time.  I stuck to your piano, which I still have (although it needs some work, still hasn't been tuned, and came out of the flat I rented a bit worse for wear, sorry) and while I haven't played properly in a while, I managed to get to Grade 4 at school.

4.  You wrote songs and poems, and they were very amusing.  The best example of the ones I remember is the following:

Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to Tescos.
Bargains galore at that wonderful store,
the fags were under a quid you know.
There was sugar and spice,
And bread at half price,
And 10p off the beer.
So hurry along, you can't go wrong, at Tescos store.

Very talented :)

5.  You used to take me to what we lovingly called the frog pond.  Every year there would be tadpoles that would become little frogs.  And on this, and other, ponds you would skim stones, we would sail your boats (another thing you were good at making) and have lovely grandad/granddaughter time.

6.  In your back garden you had a lovely swing seat, and whilst when I was very small I was a bit scared of the procedure of getting up there, and that I might fall off, I grew to love it for the cuddles, nap times and story times that it generated in your lovely garden.

7.  You taught me how to throw a boomerang.  Or rather you tried, I wasn't very successful.  I distinctly remember being the cause of us losing one somewhere in a rather overgrown field near our house in Perham Down!  And I thought they were always meant to come back to you!

8.  In the spare room in your house where I would sleep, there was a little heater.  And before bedtime I would be allowed to go up and turn the heater on to make the room nice and warm.  And then, when it was bedtime, I would get all snug in bed and you would tell me a little story and tuck me in - I cherish those memories.

9.  In Amesbury there was a little cafe called The Friar Tuck.  On several occasions I can remember you treating me to a nice dinner (I think my favourite was sausage, egg and chips).  It's still there, and whenever I go by it I think of you.  Thank you for all the nice food :).

10.  As all good grandads should, you taught me how to make paper planes.  I can still just about remember and do it.  I think yours always got further than mine though!

Well, there you go, the 10 things I remember about you and love you for.  One day hope to see you on the other side xxxx

Thomas Charles Warner,  15/08/1929 - 20/01/1996

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Top five songs....... for driving

In the first of what I am planning to make a regular feature of the Emmaverse (I love music, ask anyone who knows me, I am always singing) I am going to introduce you to, and write a few notes about, my top five songs - this week for driving (I have a long road trip ahead from the South Coast to Northumberland and back - I'm hoping music will keep me sane whilst driving!).

1.  Feeder - Buck Rogers

What can I say, awesome band, awesome track, and when you're driving on the motorway , you come to the chorus, and you just have to shout along (you know the bit I mean - he's got a cd player player player player player etc etc).

2.  The Killers -  Mr Brightside

Another great song, also good for singing along to, whilst cruising down the motorway.

3.  The Cars - Drive

Come on, how could a track called this, by a band called that, not make the list!

4.    Chris Rea - Road to hell

Okay, so this one is more for that part of the journey where the traffic is at a standstill, and you're just not moving - but a good song, so makes it a bit more bearable.

5.  I drove all night - Roy Orbison

Again, pretty stereotypical, but brilliant for driving.  Cyndi Lauper's version was okay too, but I think I prefer this one, Roy Orbison was a legend, often wonder what The Traveling Wilburys would have gone on to if he hadn't passed!

Okay, so there's my 5 top driving songs (I think - daresay next week I might have changed my mind).  Any advances???

Sunday, 4 August 2013

10 things of thankful - The Considered edition

After doing this for several weeks now I'm getting bored of talking about me, and fancied a break from it, so I wanted to talk about 10 aspects of someone else who means a lot to me - The Considerer!  As she reads this (which I'm sure she will) I can picture her squirming with awkward embarrassment, and that is not the aim, just an unwanted side effect, but you know how it's easier to sometimes put words to paper (or the web) than verbalise them?  The following is all true, and VERY warranted, I promise :), and she WILL accept these accolades ;).

1.  The great Considerer came up with this almighty 10 things of thankful bloghop.  Which is amazing.  And for a good few months now has got me coming up with lots of things to be thankful for.  And lots of moments where I've thought 'oh I'll just take a picture of that, that has to go in my thankful blog post'.  It is a wonderful idea, and it is a wonderful exercise, so long live the TTOT.

2.   I had been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while, but being lazy too busy to get organised and actually do it, I needed a push and someone with know how to get me started.  And there Considerer stepped up to the plate.  And now I have not just one blog, but two!  Wooo hooo.  She liked a little piece I wrote for a Facebook group and effectively told me I MUST start blogging, so that little nudge and encouragement has got me here now, and hopefully, if I put the time and effort in, all these posts I am planning in my mind will come to fruition!

3.  The Considerer has got me walking, a lot more than I ever did before!  And she makes me go faster!  And we go further.  And we get lost (which apparently is always MY fault???).  And we fall in streams (oh no, that one was just me!).  And while we walk we talk and have a jolly good time, stop to attempt handstands and cartwheels (oh yes, that's just Lizzi, I cannot do them!) and throw pebbles in ponds (oh to be a child again).  There is definitely something about going out walking with someone else that makes it much less arduous than doing it on ones own, and I really do love our walks.

  4.  On more than one occasion, I have made use of the spare room at Considerer's abode, generally at short notice after a begging from me that I need her company, want to get slightly tipsy and then won't be able to drive home.  Her hospitality is lovely, you can just be at home there, and on these evenings, and on our walks, we can talk about anything and everything and generally put the world to rights.  And I always leave feeling better.

5.  Now let's just say we both have *interesting* family set-ups and history, and things from our childhoods we'd maybe like to push to the back of our minds.  Well Lizzi has listened to more than her fair share of me lamenting the trials my various family members like to put me through.  And again doesn't judge, just mostly offers very sound and sensible advice.  Much to my uncomfortable embarrassment the other week she was present for a mahooosive barney between my Mother and sister, but she was very unphased by it all, didn't mind, and just offered suggestions to remedy the situation - family counsellor at hand ;).

6.  Now on the occasions we help at the youth club once a month we have started a tradition.  There is a takeaway close to the building the youth club is held in called Twisted.  I'd driven by it lots and meant to try it, but Lizzi and Joe being regular customers got me in there, and now after every youth club we have to bring food home.  The spaghetti and meatballs are amazing!  And I love that I now know another great takeaway to frequent.

7.  While we eat said takeaway, another tradition has started.  Lizzi has The Big Bang Theory box set, and we watch and laugh and enjoy.  And it's okay to be a geek here.  Being like Sheldon, which my sister throws at me as some kind of insult, is okay!

8.  I have Lizzi to thank for another weight-losing idea.  We both LOVE cheese.  Can't get enough of the stuff.  But one day, Lizzi said "why don't we just not buy cheese, use what we've got and not buy any more?".  THE HORROR!!!!  But actually it's not been that bad.  There are other things to go in sandwiches.  I appreciate the cheese when I'm out elsewhere a lot more.  And my accountability to her (she knows when I'm lying) has  kept me on the straight and narrow in the supermarket!

9.  I am no gardener.  I neglect my garden horrendously, and when I first employed Lizzi's help to sort it out, it took us a little while!  Thankfully she knows a lot more about gardening and plants than me, and is very motivational!  We have also painted my fence (well, half done, half to go - thanks Dad by the way for the ginger 'Autumn Red' colour (I'm sure he thought he was being helpful trying to match my shed).

10.  The Considerer is a battler.  A trooper.  You throw stuff at her, and she just gets on with it, marching on, not giving up.  She thinks, A LOT, sometimes too much probably (hands up here as well!), and doesn't realise how jolly fab she is, so there we have it, 10 whole reasons why I'm glad she is in my life.