Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Twisted mix tape - you suck/I suck

And it's another Tuesday, so it's another Twisted Mixtape.  This week the theme is I suck (I've messed up and I'm sorry) or you suck (you're a t**t).  Started off slow but then the old mind got rolling with this one, and I ended up with 6 instead of 5 (sorry :( ).  Here they are with a little explanation.

1.  Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect
LOVE Jessie J.  Here she is, full of her normal emotion, apologising to a friend for messing up by being a bit of a blabber mouth and passing on some secret or other she really shouldn't have - I think she's learnt her lesson and is gonna try not to do it again.

2.  Cee-Lo Green - Forget you
And here we have Cee-Lo in a bit of a mood as his girl has run off with another bloke in the neighbourhood, and he seems to think it's just because he was a bit poor - let's face it, that is a bit shallow!

3.  Justin Timberlake - Cry me a river
Ooh er, here we have JT getting a bit personal and letting his emotions out after his split with Britney - do we think she might have cheated on him????  Seriously, who would do that?  If I had him, I don't think I'd be going anywhere!

4.  Pink - Don't let me get me
Believe me, there are those days, I'm sure everyone's had them, when everything is just a bit pants, you can't do anything right, and you'd rather just a) not be here or b) crawl up in a hole and everything else can go the f**k away.  Pink sums it up perfectly, as always - this isn't about being sorry to a particular person, but just being sorry you exist and that you're generally a bit human (aren't we all?).

5.  Christina Aguilera - Fighter
And this is Christina in fine vocal form telling an ex that while you may have abused me, tried to manipulate, down tread and generally treat me in a pretty damn awful manner, that actually cheers, you've done me a favour, cos now I'm stronger and no one is going to do that to me again - EVER!

6.  Alanis Morisette - You oughta know

THE ULTIMATE - here's why I had to do six, because I just couldn't NOT have this one in there!  This song, in fact the whole classic album that is Jagged Little Pill, is so angsty, so bitter, so awesome - sums up that hatred pretty well!  Best played at full volume and sung along to - cures much hurt I would think!

That's all folks!  See you next week for a new mixtape.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, it was really good writing it :)

  2. You are right about Alanis, and with the exception of her, Cee Lo and Justin are the only other choices you really need for this week I suppose, none of which made my list, but only because I suck!

    1. I'm sure you don't suck, but if you were feeling in an apologetic mood fair enough. It was a good theme!

  3. I was waiting on Alanis - I knew someone would have that song. So angrily awesome! :)

    1. Was I really the first? Will have to check out the other lists, I thought it would be up there on most lol. Definitely awesome!

  4. Great list! I hadn't heard that Jessie J before and now I'm going to go hunt it down.

    1. Glad I've introduced you to something new, she is good!

  5. THat is a cool Justin Timberlate number. Love the arrangement.

    1. Yeah it is, Timbaland is a genius, and a cute cuddly one at that, I love his "the damage is done so I guess I'll be leaving" bit.

  6. You Oughta Know and Fighter? Those songs make me so satisfied - I mean, after a break up, of course.

    1. They are great aren't they for just letting it all out!

  7. It would totally be worth going through a shitty relationship with JT just to have him whisper 'cry me a river" in my ear. That man.

  8. My favorite list thus far! Great great great job!!!!!!

    1. Why thank you for that lovely compliment, I do love my music, I think I have quite ecclectic taste, my sister generally berates most things I like, I will tell her this next time she criticises ;)

  9. I think you're awesome for doing six because you're right - this list would not have been perfect were it not for Alanis Morisette - You oughta know! Thanks!

    1. Cheers, it is the perfect song for this theme!

  10. This is so perfect! So perfect. And Alanis! I remember thinking that song was so immature, but now as a real adult I see exactly how on the spot it was! I love this list, thanks for playing!

    1. Thanks Jen, I am loving doing these, thank you!

  11. I go with the (near) unanimous Alanis fan club.

    Great List

  12. Sorry, we'll have to not confer and see how often we come up with the same things, but I reckon we'll be quite different. I did enjoy this list, and Alanis is awesome.
