Sunday, 3 November 2013

Ten things of thankful #15

Well it's the weekend, so here we have another round of thankfulness from the Emmaverse!

1.  My Mum stays with me quite a lot.  Probably more than is necessarily appropriate, given that her house is only 5 minutes away, but bless her heart, she is worth her weight in gold. This week I have hosted my church group (more on the (non-)event of that later).  I had been trying to do a bit of housework and generally have a tidy up, and mother bless her helped and did a lot of cleaning and probably made it much nicer than I would have done, so yay for nice tidy clean guest-worthy house!

2.  I have booked a couple of nights to get away down to Cornwall next weekend and I'm really looking forward to it,  I'm sure there will be more about that in next weekend's post!

3.  Last night I went to the Hen Party of a lovely crafty friend (as in we do crafts together, she's not sneaky ;) ) who is the daughter of a lady in my church group.  A most excellent time was had by all, we dressed up (see below) and ate Chinese food!  Bring on the wedding now!

4.  I ordered a very special book recently, and it's arrived!  I have read my friend's chapter (she wrote and did loads of photograph and design work for it!).  I have started reading the rest of it, and so far it is really uplifting!  I will doing a review of  “Standing Tall with Turner Syndrome” for my other blog, in due course!

5.  Like I was saying, Thursday night I was due my cell group round at my house.  7pm came and went, and I made sure food was being cooked so it was all ready, the table had been laid, and it got to 7:20.  And two people turned up!  But I am glad for this, because it meant we got to get the scrabble board out and have a game, which of course I didn't win, but SOMEONE would have been a nightmare if they'd lost ;).  We were then going to play Operation but got scuppered by lack of AAA batteries.  And oh I nearly forgot the most amazing bite sized dessert pieces brought for afters, which I am still working my way through (being very restrained!).

6.  I am thankful that I like pasta, and I have a freezer, as given the severe lack of bodies on Thursday night I had A LOT of food left over.  I will be working through it, and it is going to sustain me for several meals.

7.  I am today picking up some lovely gifts I have ordered and made personalised by my lovely friend who is very crafty and makes many such things.  They are going to be Christmas presents, and I'm hoping they are going to go down very well.  It's brilliant to be able to support my friend in her business venture.

8.  A customer yesterday came into my shop and was on her way to Gregg's (lovely chain of bakers for those not in the know).  She offered to bring us some cakes, and we declined, said she mustn't, that it was way too much to do, that we shouldn't be eating cakes.  But lo and behold, 15minutes later the lady came back in with a box of cakes for us – what a lovely gesture!

9.  My sister is coming round tonight and making me an awesome roast dinner - enough said!

10.  Okay, it's somewhat reluctantly, but due to a drop out I get to miss the sermon today and be a big kid and play with the babies!  And I get to work with another lady who I don't think I've done the creche with before, so should be good.

Okay, so leave a comment, and get yourself over to Considerings and make your own list!


  1. I love a killer Scrabble game. But I must admit I don't mind losing either that way it doesn't get too tense. Sounds like a fun week!

    1. Yeah, Scrabble is good although these days seems to be mostly online, not in real life! Yeah, someone's gotta lose hey!

  2. How nice that your mom lives so close to you, and how sweet of her to help you with cleaning!

    1. Yes, she is lovely bless her, and despite what she thinks sometimes, I DO appreciate her :)

  3. I have Turner's too. I would love to check the book out! WIll visit! Thanks for sharing this list with us!

    1. Seriously? Small world! The book is excellent, try and find it online. Check out my other blog,, all about Turner's Syndrome.

  4. ah, you saw the wink, you know I'm joking. I need to practise more, I think online the shuffling round of letters and slower pace, more thinking time helps. Must read more to help vocabulary!

    Glad you liked the pasta, I still have plenty in the freezer!

    Yes, Mum can be a sweetie bless her :)

  5. very busy (and satisfying sounding) week there E!

    Have never been into playing scrabble, for one reason or another. My game of choice (for passing time) is solitaire.
    (I am hearing in my head, what I hope is an authentic British sounding response: "Go on with yer now. You wouldn't be spending all of your free time in a game like that, would you?")

    maybe not 'authentic' authentic British woman's remonstrations … but I trust you know what I mean.

    1. I know what you mean lol, but is it funny when I read your statement I heard it in an Irish accent? I think it's the "go on with yer" lol.

      Solitaire the card game, or wooden game with marbles? I have played both. I used to know how to do the jump-over one but need to use Consdierer's board to remember how to do it again! My grandmother taught me the card game, but over here we sometimes call it patience too.

    2. the card game (Vegas style…scored)…played properly, I would submit that this game allows one an insight into the 'variability' of reality!

      yeah… that was starting to come through my head too… thought it would somehow stray over into a Cockney kinda thing (not that I have a clue about dialects and accents) lol

    3. Ah, Cockney, I know a bit of rhyming slang! You'll have to come over here and appreciate all our real accents, we don't all talk like the queen and poshly, I'm a proper farmer, West Country/Hampshire Hog through and through! Father being from Cornwall and studying in Bath saw to that!

  6. What a wonderful week! Leftovers for your freezer, so you don't have to cook every night (see? I can spin something lousy into something good). Your mom straightening up your house for you. Cute, cute, cute dress and shoes for the Hen Party. You letting SOMEONE win at Scrabble....

    1. Thanks Dyanne, yes I'm thankful for the freezer to preserve all the food, and I indeed have got several easy meals!

      As she has already attested, I don't think I actually let her win, her skills were better on the night!

      Thank you, I do like the dress, will need to give it an airing to some other events if I get the chance!

    2. What? I was being truthfully honest there!

      Will definitely have to track down this Bananagrams for myself!

  7. I will have to look it up Dyanne, is there a Facebook version? I play a lot of games on there!

  8. I don't think there is, but the game is easy to play by yourself as solitaire, too. It has (non) numbered tiles, like Scrabble, but no game board. Each person makes their own words. And it comes in a fabric banana.

  9. Sounds cool, I shall have to google and find!
