Sunday, 22 September 2013

Ten things of thankful - the baptismal edition

Well today after a long roundabout journey supported by many people put in my path by God (I will maybe explore that in a later post!) I have renewed my baptism vows, as I had only been christened as a baby and not really taken to church after that, and I was now ready to make these declarations for myself.  So I will warn you now, this week is churchy, hope you enjoy :)

1. I lead my cell group on Thursday evening this week, and as there was no service last weekend as the church held a big picnic in the park, there were no outlines.  Arrrggggh  what to do?  A prayer evening was suggested and successfully held by yours truly, and after a bit of preparation I led us through praying for particular countries of the world as a whole, our country the U.K., our city, our church community and we sort of ran out of time for prayers for each other - but we know what we need :).  I have had lovely feedback from one member who said I did well, and that was lovely to know it had been a success - I'm not so scared of doing this any more, even if there are no outlines!

2.  I am thankful for the dear members (and one particular ex-member who has moved away and couldn't be here today :() of my cell group who I have got to know and develop wonderful friendships with over the last 4 years, for them inviting me to join and be a part of the group.  They have been instrumental in helping me develop my faith and get to this stage, taking the step I took today.

3.  Now when one gets baptised as an adult it is traditional to prepare a testimony about our journey with God.  This was pretty overwhelming and scary as I started to think about doing it, but as I began, and used the wonder of Google to research for ideas of structured questions to guide my thoughts, I managed to write a  nice little piece.  It's all a bit of a blur, and I'm sure I didn't remember everything and things didn't come out quite the way I'd planned, but I think it was okay - I managed to talk up the front, mainly by just focusing on the vicar and not looking at everyone else!

4.  When you get baptised via full immersion, the vicar needs someone to help "dunk" you - so I had to bring someone in with me!  This took me very little time to think about once I knew friend-who-moved-away couldn't make it (might have been a dilemma there!) - it had to be Considerer, for as well as being my nagger encourager when walking running, and all round good egg of a lovely person, she is also in my lovely cell group and hence qualified for the job nicely :).  She accepted the job willingly, didn't mind getting wet, thought it was an honour, and even walked to church today in surf shorts and crocs bless her.

5.  The vicar hadn't mentioned, and I hadn't thought to ask, what the temperature of the water would be like.  So as I stepped into the pool the joy at how pleasantly warm it was - what a relief!  And as I went last I didn't have too much time to shiver afterwards!  If only I had the mind of the young son of another of our cell-group members (he asked very loudly as we got in whether the water was warm!).

6.  I  was able to invite some lovely people to share in this day with me.  One who was there is a lovely school friend who has known me over half my life (might even be getting on 2/3rds!) and though not a church-goer herself was happy to attend today and share in this with me as it was "important to me" - I think that was so lovely of her, and it was a pleasure to have her.  I did have to go and drag encourage her to sit with me at the front in the seats reserved for the baptismal parties - she tried to hide at the back when she first got there, and I wasn't having any of that!

7.  Another family I know crossed water (from the Isle of Wight) to be with me - I went to Merrin's baptism in February (I can't believe she's 1 in a few days!) and it was lovely to have them here- and Merrin's Dad's a cook, very useful for point 8 below don't you know ;).

8.  After the service I held what has become quite a tradition, especially in our cell group anyway, of the "bring and share" lunch.  A good spread was laid out on the table, and mostly devoured, although I caused a bit of over-subscription on sausage rolls - but they'll be good for tea with some chips and also to take to work for lunch as necessary til they're gone!  It was nice for everyone to meet and chat and I like to have people round, so it was lovely to have the house full, even if the cat did seem a bit put out and ran off and hid when she wasn't being brave enough to investigate!

9.  As I left church to locate people, let people follow me home and sort out for lunch, I was handed a lovely certificate to commemorate the vows I made today - lovely to have such a reminder.

10.  The most important thing about today is that I now definitely feel that I belong to God's family, I have made this decision myself, and I am now free to live and follow Him.  I know that whatever ups and downs lie ahead, with His help I can do this!  Here's to growing in faith and finding out what God has in store next!

Acts 2:38-39: Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you, for your children, and all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him."


  1. Thank you for coming :). Shame it wasn't beach weather, then we could have gone to Bournemouth for the afternoon! ;)

  2. Congratulations on your Baptism, Emma! and how wonderful that Lizzi was your 'dunker' :)

    1. Thank you, yes it was lovely that I had her to help with proceedings!

  3. Congratulations on your Baptism... and congrats on the wisdom to pick such a fine dunker (although she sounded as though she was having a bit too much fun with it!)

    1. Yes she was very into it bless her, and there were rumours of her holding me under til all the sin was washed away - trust me that would have been a VERY long time and I would have drowned!

  4. Thanks for sharing a recap of your baptismal day; it was interesting to learn about.

  5. So happy for you in this next, big step in your relationship with God. How nice that so many friends were able to be there and share in your joy.

    1. Thank you, it was very special inlots of ways :)

  6. I hope my baptism "took" when I was a baby, because I could never, ever do all the things you did in front of everyone! Congratulations on the reaffirmation and my utmost admiration to you for being able to put yourself out there like that.

    I would have LOVED to have seen Lizzie bopping into the church in the surf shorts and crocs.
