Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Twisted Mix Tape - The songs that make us who we are

So this week the Twisted Mix Tape is songs that have made us who we are.  My first reaction was "whoah, deep!".  I didn't really know where to start, I couldn't come up with songs that influenced me that much, although somewhere in the back of my mind I just KNEW music could do that.  So I thought, and managed to come up with some, and the majority DO have a personal story for me, but ALL, and the angle I went for, have a positive message about how we SHOULD be living, the ones that OUGHT to make us think and change us on the inside!  I'm the first one to say I probably have a lot of work to do on myself, and do not live my life perfectly according to these messages, but  hey, that's the thing, we're all human, all constantly changing and (hopefully!) improving!

1.  Michael Jackson – Man in the mirror
 This song reminds us that if you want to make a change, however impossible it seems, we need to start with ourselves!  If we don't set the example we want for everyone else, if we don't stand up for what is right and against what is wrong, then aren't we as bad for just standing by?  I think I was still quite small when I heard this song, but listening over the years I've got more and more of the message, and it's just a lovely piece of truth.

2.  Band Aid – Do they know it's Christmas? (Feed the world)

I was 4 years old in Christmas 1985 when this was released, and much as I understand now how the effort and collaboration and all the stars of the time coming together under Bob Geldof's guidance was awesome, what struck me as that little 4 year old was the pictures in the video, and on the news reports, of the poor children, skin and bones, no food, no clean water.  It was the first time in my life I saw real poverty, real hunger.  I'd had no concept before that there were places in the world where people didn't have things to eat - didn't everyone?  And that rocked my world, and made me feel so sorry for them and want to do something for them, even though obviously as a child in the west there wasn't much I could do!  I give to charity now, but that empathy, that compassion, that sense of justice and why can't we all have the same - where on the road to adulthood do we lose the passion and drive to do something about that?  The "Make Poverty History" and "If" (enough food for everyone) campaigns in recent times have tried, but I still feel like it's a mammoth task, and an issue that is not going to go away - it's such a shame resources are spread so that so few have so much, and so many have so little.

3.  Jessie J – Price Tag
 Here we have Jessie J giving us the message that it's not about what you wear, what you spend, designer labels and all that - consumerism get lost, it's about love, relationships, and being with each other - never a truer message!

4.  Whitney Houston – The Greatest Love of All
A music teacher at school explained this one to us, talking to us at one concert about a pupil she'd had once who hadn't wanted to sing about loving herself.  While loving yourself is important (after all, how can we expect others to love us if we don't love ourself) this song is about finding it within you to GIVE love away and love others, and yes, being brave, having that trust to let someone in and give your all to them - that is the greatest!

 5.  Diana Ross - When you tell me that you love me
This song is lovely, it makes my Mum cry, so it makes me cry - all about her love for her children and how she'd do anything for them - family is THE most important thing :).

Okay, so I hope that hasn't been too deep/teary for anyone.  Please check out Jen's site and join in the fun with your own list and commenting on others, I feel it's going to be a very interesting one this week!


  1. What a lovely pick of songs! So right

  2. Aww..love this whole list! Brings me to recent times when some students of mine tried to harmonize Price Tag! was great.

    1. Thank you :) I'll bet Jessie J is popular in schools, bet they made a good job of it!

  3. I almost went with Band Aid as well. Nice play on the prompt, Emma!

    1. Thank you, I almost wasn't going to play this one but glad I did once I got going, nice idea!

  4. Your list is a beautiful expression of yourself. I think #4 is oftentimes the hardest lesson people have to learn.

    1. Thank you :) They are all lovely songs to me. And yes, no. 4 is hard, the world sends us lots of negative messages that it's hard to fight sometimes, that try and make us feel worth less than we are!

  5. Very well done listation... songs that give off the vibe that are related to the narrative, v cool. While all of our stories are different, to feel even a hint of common emotions (evoked by the songs)... nice.

  6. Thank you, and yes completely agree with your suggestion, how did I miss that one?

  7. Beautiful, and so very true! It's funny but a lot of these songs were high school songs for me, so being a goofy teen, they didn't touch me like they did you. It's interesting to read your point of view. Thank you!

    1. Ha ha, I was born 1981, not THAT old you know, think I uderstood more about them as I got older ;)

  8. Great list - Michael Jackson Bad was one of the first "rock" albums I owned - so you had me with Man in the Mirror. And I'll forever have a soft spot for Whitney Houston - an unparalleled vocal talent - and you chose a beautiful song.

    1. Thank you. Whitney was amazing, her early demise was so sad!

  9. I LOVE Man In the Mirror. I just listened to it the other night. I sing that song loud when I hear it. It's just so...emotional. Great choice.
