Saturday, 26 October 2013

Ten things of thankful #14

It's the weekend, so time for the Ten Things of Thankful!

1.  On Thursday I got to go to a lovely meal with a great group of people who I've been doing so with for well, when asked to figure it out by a newer member I'd not met before, longer than I care to remember!  (Alright alright, it's my Mensa group, I'm in Mensa, but it's not like that, really, we're pretty normal ;) ).  It was a lovely evening, brilliant Italian food, good company and chat, and I looked forward to the next few, a pub in Marchwood next month and a French restaurant in Cadnam for Christmas in December.

2.  Friday was netball day.  Yes it was still hard to make myself go at the end of a busy week (Considerer, about half an hour beforehand, answered in response to my statement "netball, urgh, can't it rain already?" with a very emphatic "NO".  And I'm glad I did make myself go.  Fun was had by all, we seem to be improving as a group, and it is the first session where I haven't felt absolutely dead by the end - I think the running must be helping the fitness!

3.  Today I've been to a lovely little craft fair in New Milton, about 45 minutes away, and it was lovely to see all the handmade goods, people are so clever!  My school friend had a stall and was selling her wares, and I bought a few things and have also ordered some more off her, so hopefully by the end of the day she'll have done a lot of business :).

4.  We have got our Christmas stock in at work!  I have treated myself to one thing, and bought something else for a few others, I really feel like the Christmas shopping is starting now and can't wait til the week I've booked off at the end of November to get it all finished and wrapped!

5.  When I went to netball on Friday, I did the most awesome parallel park - nuff said okay, so my sister can shut up, I CAN DRIVE!

6.  I'm going to an event next Saturday, and I managed to find a dress, yay, phew!  Always a nightmare!  Hope it fits and I like it when it arrives!  Photos of Considerer and I dressed up next weekend I'm sure :).

7.  I went food shopping today, it's been payday and was very necessary.  But not only did I get food, oh no!  I got most of the children on my Christmas list sorted, thanks to the Sainsburys half price toy sale!  Now just for the adults, why are they so much more difficult?

8.  I've been getting into my poetry side of writing and put a poem on my Facebook page, yay!  Will have to write some more, getting the writing bug properly now!

9.  I had a bit of a sort out of the lounge on Monday.  There were some pirate chests in the conservatory which had come from my Mum's house that I'd never really looked at properly, and it was nostalgia central going through them!  Old school reports, stuff from concerts, log books, really funny to go through and be reminded!  I managed to get rid of maybe half, and the other half I'm keeping for old times sake!

10.  I should be getting booked in for a nice spa day with my friend soon when I pick up the phone, so I'm looking forward to going for that!

Okay, you all know the deal by now, leave a comment and get over to Considerings with your own list.


  1. Soon as you mentioned the dress I thought ... they BETTER post a photo next week! That whole Christmas shopping thing for me is a ... well, I wont burst your bubble... congrats on getting the kids sorted!

    1. Thanks :). Definitely looking forward to next weekend, and I'm sure there will be photos!

  2. Hmm! I haven't played netball in a while and would love to give it a go too! Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. Thanks, yeah see if you can find something near you, it's good fun and really helping with fitness, the more I make myself go!

  3. Thanks :) Netball was good, yeah life's okay

  4. I am really looking forward to the picture of you and Lizzy all dressed up for the event!

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Yes I'm looking forward to it, should be a lot of fun! Have a good Sunday too :)

  5. net ball… (will you be describing basketball and calling it a different name, such as members of a certain… legacy culture, shall we say? are fond of doing with football?) lol
    do not denigrate the skills required in parallel parking… you are correct to feel that you have attained proper car skills, I know of people who will drive an extra block (and accept the extra walking distance) because they do not have the confidence to parallel park.

    1. Netball is definitely separate from basketball, and what you call soccer is football, and what you call football is American Football :P. All as clear as mud now?

      Lol, yep, I have hit and miss days with it, but I think practise makes perfect! Bay parking onto my drive is so much easier as I do it all the time, but parallel parking skills have definitely come along!

  6. Like the others, I'm looking forward to hearing about the event, and seeing photos of the dresses!

    1. Hi Kristi, oh don't worry, I'm sure it will feature next weekend :)

  7. Ok, I will have to look up what netball is as well, no clue actually, but I hear several of you island people talk about it ;-) I've had the chance to do some holiday shopping myself last week, I won't be the one running around the store on December 24 ;-)

    Also looking forward to the pictures. Dress shopping is definitely challenging, hate shopping for myself.

    Enjoy your spa day (so jealous by the way!!)

    Have a great new week, Emma!

    1. lol, netball is similar to basketball but more refined and ladylike, generally played by females. Yep, we'll leave the last minute Christmas Eve shopping to the men, hey!

      Yeah shopping can be a pain, I always seems to see stuff I like when I don't need it/can't afford it, and never find what I need when I'm after something specific!

      Thanks, spa day will be good!

  8. I am a kick-ass parallel parker. Welcome to the club!

    I am looking forward to these pictures from your event next weekend! It was fun to get to vote on Lizzi's choices.

    You got your Christmas stock in at work and bought gifts? Controlled substances in everyone's stockings!

    1. Thanks Dyanne, it is a good skill to have!

      Next weekend should be fab, gonna make sure we get lots of pics!

      Ha ha ha, no they only get toiletries in for the Christmas lines not morphine, unfortunately! Although you think they'd let the staff have a little "present", wouldn't you?

  9. Okay, now I've got to investigate Mensa and net ball ... terms I'm not familiar with (as this Yank shows his stupidity once again). Be careful with Lizzi. I understand she gets wild and crazy at times, especially if it's got anything to do with trains! Good post!

    1. Yep, good to spread some education of these things then :). Netball is generally basketball but with bigger teams and mostly females, and a bit more gentle, but we're still quite a competitive bunch!

      Ha ha, don't worry, I'll keep tabs on her! Next weekend could be interesting as the venue is only a few minutes walk from hers so she can drink but I need to stay sober and drive home :(
