Sunday, 20 October 2013

Ten things of thankful #13

Oh the number 13.  Now I'm not supperstitious, but I find it very interesting that my 13th writing of the TTOT has fallen on a week when I'm least feeling like doing this.  When I've just felt like crying, hiding away, punching something and bemoaning the fact that life is all so not fair.  I can't/won't go into that any more than that here, as it's all too personal and private, please know that I am okay physically.  I just want anyone reading this to know that even when it is all just a bit s***ty, you can STILL find some things to be thankful for, and the exercise of doing that is GOOD!

1.  I shared the "thing that's the problem" with two people a week ago now.  And I am thankful for the internet.  For the screen that brings.  For the distance that gives.  For the courage it instills.  For without the internet, that medium of chatting online, I probably wouldn't have done it.  And don't get me wrong, it could have not-been-said, but I think I don't regret it, I'm glad it's done and now I can get on with the dealing-with-it, so amen for Facebook chat (now it's relaible, unlike in its early days when it let me down all the time!).

2.  Secondly, before we move on, I am glad for supportive, understanding, listening, sensible people.  The people-who-got-dumped-on by me were more useful, lovely, helpful and totally made it the least traumatic it had to be, so kudos to them for being decent and lovely.

3.  This week I ran further and longer than I ever have before.  Okay, there were moments when I slowed to a walk and I couldn't keep up, but I did 10.69km in 1h23, and I pushed myself to run as much as I could, and I can feel that stamina developing and the endorphins coming through, so yay, I must keep it up (when weather allows and we can keep to well lit roads now the nights are drawing in).

4.  I had a lovely meal at a Chinese buffet with my Dad and Stepmom last Sunday, lovely food, nothing was left, and I am definitely going to go back - I don't know why it took me so long to try it out!

5.  I had a nice day out in Salisbury on Monday and got my hair done - went to my normal salon but had to see someone else as I've been so busy on my weekends off and my normal lady doesn't work Mondays, but it couldn't wait, and now it is done, always nice to have a pamper!

6.  After Salisbury, I drove to Amesbury where my Mum grew up and checked on my grandparents' old house and had lunch in the cafe my grandad used to take me to.  Shame I couldn't go to Stonehenge after with the sky looking as dark as anything and rain coming, but I can do that another time.  It was good to reminisce.

7.  Luckily my brain remembered the backroads to cut off the centre of Salisbury when I went back home so I could avoid the traffic.

8.  Today I went over to Kent to do a Mensa regional quiz.  It was mostly teams from Kent, I think we had come the furthest and arrived a little late.  We managed to come second, which considering the winning team had the Brain of Mensa and Brain of Britain winner I didn't think was bad showing!  Shame there wasn't a prize for second place though!

9.  Friday night I managed to have a nice quiet night in to myself as it turned out.  Now it was a shame I didn't get to catch up with my sister then, but it was much appreciated to have a nice restful evening just to be alone.

10.  When I did get to catch up with my sister on Saturday night, she showed me an album she'd made of old photos from when we were small, and it was lovely to remember - I'll have to get Mum to dig the rest out, they're in her house somewhere.  Here's a taster, a 6/7 year old me:

Right, feel free to comment, and do get over to Considerings and add you own list.


  1. Thanks, surprised ourselves at the quiz, and I was some use with things the others didn't know on some questions to my own amazement.

    Yep, can't believe how far/fast we're now going!

    True dat, will keep slogging, and the good will come, I know.

  2. Congratulations on your run. Even if you walked some of it, that's a wonderful time/distance!

    I've been to Salisbury once, and it was a highlight of my vacation. The cathedral has such a bucolic setting.

    1. Thanks Kristi, the running is coming on nicely!
      Glad you enjoyed Salisbury, you've taught me a new word, I had to google bucolic, and now I know what it means, I can agree :)

  3. holy smoke! (Disclaimer: I am *so* not a runner. I can't imagine walking that distance, never mind *running*!) Impressive, that one can train and push the body to achieve that kind of physical feat.
    sounds like a 'not bad' week!

    1. Thanks Clark, yeah the running is good, but I know I wouldn't be doing it if SOMEONE hadn't started me off, and kept encouraging me even when I protest!

  4. I am like Clark and not a runner either. Now, if something was chasing me (say...a bear or a person with an ax), I'd be picking up my pace quite a bit. So all that to say, congrats on the training...that is wonderful!

    And I LOVE the picture of 6/7yo you. How cute is that?!? You haven't changed a bit!

    Have a fabulous week!

    1. Ha ha, yes those sort of things would give me motivation to go a bit faster as well, I'm sure!

      Bless, thank you, my sister took great delight in finding that one and putting it on Facebook when it first surfaced!

  5. What a cute little girl you were! I always find it fun to go through old photos, especially with my siblings.
    Congrats on the running! I find running long distances to be a complete misery, but I'm glad you are getting some positive things from it! :)
    I know it isn't easy doing these lists when you have had such a bad week. I hope it made you feel a bit better. There were some very lovely things here!

    1. Thank you :)

      Believe me, if you'd told me when we started I'd be going this far in that time, I would not have believed you!

      Thanks, sure time will sort it :)

  6. I'm also a member of the non-runner club, so kudos to you for doing anything further than ten feet, which is about my limit! And you didn't get lost even once on your long run?!

    I'm sorry you have had a bad week or two. I hate hearing that, especially when you are always such a positive person. But thank goodness for friends, near and far, who can lend you an ear and help you out. I'm hoping things are better for you soon.

    Oh, and I totally love the picture of you as a little girl! All that blonde hair and such a big smile!

    1. Ha ha, no we didn't get lost, we stuck to roads not the scary common as it was dark, and someone had planned a route on the computer beforehand, she just hadn't let on to me how far it was before we started, or she knew I would have protested - but see, I did it!

      Thanks, sure it will get sorted with time, and yes friends are priceless.

      Bless thank you, hair is still blonde, have to cheat now though ;)

  7. I am so late in my comments but none the less I saw the adorable little blonde girl and had to click here ... what a fabulous photo... that kid looks like she will never have a bad week ever... hope the week gets better!

    1. Thanks Zoe, there's no time limit, jump in whenever :). Childhood innocence hey, oh that we could just stay children and not face the realities of life! Getting there thanks :)
